Sharon Naranjo Garcia
Santa Clara

Santa Clara Bear Paw

11 1/4" H x 10" D

Sharon Garcia is the granddaughter of the esteemed Santa Clara potter Christina Naranjo. Sharon's mother passed away while Sharon was quite young and it was Christina who raised her and had a profound influence on her life.

Sharon learned to pot from Christina and when Christina died in 1980 Sharon began to pot full time in order to feel connected to her. Sharon has become a fine potter working in styles ranging from classic undecorated jars to traditional carved Santa Clara pottery.

In July 2003, Sharon won the "Best of Show" award at the the Eight Northern Pueblo Show, winning the highest possible award in the show.

She says, "I feel very lucky to be able to earn money doing what I love."

Further information is available in the Gregory Schaaf book "Pueblo Indian Pottery" page 31.

Gallery Price: $2,250.00


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